Jesi – Studio for Printing Arts

The museum is located in the 16th century “Pianetti vecchio” building, in a spacious and luminous hall, a suggestive and visually gratifying setting, where printing presses and equipment from various ages are on display, together with rare and fine books. The museum itinerary highlights and develops two aspects which characterised the invention that changed the history of human knowledge: printing devices and books as an end product. It was opened in 2000 to document the city’s long-standing printing tradition. Federico de’Conti was the Marche region’s first printer and printed one of the earliest editions of the Divine Comedy.

Jesi – The Pergolesi Theatre

The theatre named after Giovan Battista Pergolesi is one of the region’s most prestigious and consolidated cultural locations. A unique traditional theatre, not located in a provincial capital, which has remained a reference point of the city’s cultural life for over two hundred years. A live performance venue (lyrical, prose, concert season) as well as a vehicle for the city’s promotion in Italy and throughout the world, in the name of Pergolesi, one of the finest geniuses in the universal history of music. More

Jesi – Planettiana Library

The library is located in Palazzo della Signoria, by the famous Sienese architect Francesco di Giorgio Martini, dating back to the Renaissance. It was founded in 1859 thanks to the donation of the Marquis Angelo Ghislieri’s book collection, and was named after the generous book and archive contribution donated by the Pianetti family to the Municipality of Jesi.                     It contains numerous ancient artefacts (manuscripts, incunabula and 16th century editions) received from entities and individuals and which together with modern artefacts constitute a remarkable book heritage, both in terms of size …

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Jesi – Palazzo Bisaccioni

Home to Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi, this beautiful 16th century building contains a collection of ancient works of art and continuously hosts interesting exhibitions, including a permanent one of the painter from Jesi, Domenico Luigi Valeri. There is also a library with art books, publications by bank foundations from all over the country, reprints of ancient codes, maps, reproductions and a historic archive containing 200 years of local history.   A visit to the Caveau is a must, a suggestive locked treasure room, containing interiors of the ancient bank with relative equipment, elegant safes and deposit boxes along …

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Jesi – The Ripa Bianca Nature Reserve

Until the mid 1980s, this was the home to Jesi’s landfill site along with a neighbouring gravel quarry, relentlessly animated by diggers and trucks at work. Human activity subsided during the early 1990s and the landfill site was reclaimed. A colony of night herons spontaneously settled, initially along the river banks, and then on the shores of the quarry lake, after the quarry was closed. Sergio Romagnoli was the first to notice these new inhabitants. Together with other WWF members and Jesi naturalists, he resolved to conserve this important habitat.The reserve has since become an invaluable naturalistic site, inhabited by …

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Jesi – Diocesan Museum

The Jesi Diocesan Museum was founded in 1966, with the aim of collecting, conserving and promoting religious art testimonials and artefacts from the local territory. To date it contains a conspicuous cultural heritage which once belonged to churches of the Diocese, from the 4th to the 19th century. The museum is hosted in a few rooms of Palazzo Ripanti Nuovo, next to the Cathedral of San Settimio, and is a place where the beauty and the sacred converge, steeped in traditions which have been crystallised over the ages by the Christian communities of Vallesina and the one which inhabits the …

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Jesi – The Jesi Art Gallery

The Building itself is worth a visit to this art gallery. Indeed, Palazzo Pianetti is one of the city’s most important treasures. It conserves an extremely interesting collection of works of art spanning from the 15th century to the present day. It really is worth admiring the Gallery of Stucco, 70 metres of 18th century Rococo, the 19th century apartments on the second floor which now host the contemporary art section, and the building’s terrace. The collection of 200 apothecary vases from the former hospital of Jesi, dating back to 1775, is truly unmissable. A continuous discovery of truly unique …

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Jesi – Piazza Federico II – San Floriano

La tradizione vuole che qui nascesse, il giorno di S. Stefano del 1194, sotto un grande padiglione appositamente eretto, Federico II di Svevia. L’avvenimento è ricordato da una lapide scritta in più lingue, posta sulla facciata del Palazzo Ripanti. Per onorare il grande imperatore tedesco e in segno di riconoscenza per i privilegi concessi alla città, gli jesini decisero successivamente di cambiare il toponimo della piazza, intestandola a Federico II.

Jesi – Biblioteca Planettiana

Collocata nel rinascimentale Palazzo della Signoria, opera del celebre architetto senese Francesco di Giorgio Martini, fu fondata nel 1859 grazie alla donazione della libreria del Marchese Angelo Ghislieri e prende il nome dal prezioso fondo librario ed archivistico donato dalla famiglia Pianetti al Comune di Jesi.                     Al suo interno sono custoditi numerosi fondi antichi (manoscritti, incunaboli, cinquecentine), frutto di significative donazioni e depositi da parte di enti e di privati, che insieme ai fondi moderni compongono un patrimonio librario di notevole consistenza quantitativa e qualitativa. Ad esso si affiancano l’Archivio …

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