Jesi – Studio for Printing Arts

The museum is located in the 16th century “Pianetti vecchio” building, in a spacious and luminous hall, a suggestive and visually gratifying setting, where printing presses and equipment from various ages are on display, together with rare and fine books. The museum itinerary highlights and develops two aspects which characterised the invention that changed the history of human knowledge: printing devices and books as an end product. It was opened in 2000 to document the city’s long-standing printing tradition. Federico de’Conti was the Marche region’s first printer and printed one of the earliest editions of the Divine Comedy.

Jesi – Studio per le Arti della stampa

Il museo ha sede nel cinquecentesco palazzo “Pianetti vecchio”,un ampio e luminoso salone dove, in uno scenario  veramente suggestivo e di grande effetto visivo, sono esposti torchi e macchine da stampa di varie epoche insieme a libri rari e  di pregio. Il percorso museale evidenzia e approfondisce i due aspetti che caratterizzano l’invenzione che ha cambiato la storia del sapere umano: i macchinari tipografici e i libri come prodotto finale. E’ stato istituito nel 2000 proprio per documentare  la lunga tradizione  che c’è fra la città  e la stampa. Infatti,  Federico de’Conti, fu il primo tipografo nella regione Marche e …

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Maiolati Spontini – G.Spontini museum

Located in the house in which the Master and his wife, Celeste Erard, erected in view of their definitive return to Maiolati. Two entrance doors lead respectively onto the ground floor rooms which currently contain a precious historic archive of Pious Works, and onto a sober hall (via the left door), at the bottom of which a staircase leads onto the upper floors. The Museum is set up in rooms on the first and second floor and was inaugurated on the 6th September 1951, on occasion of celebrations of the centenary of Spontini’s death.It contains furniture, family heirlooms, scores, autographs, …

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Montecarotto – The Civic and Mail Art Museum

Established in 1984 thanks to donations from some of Italy’s most renowned masters of art. It also contains graphic works by Orfeo Tamburi, Ernesto Treccani, Pericle Fazzini, Umberto Mastroianni, Arnaldo Ciarrocchi, Francesco Rossini, Sepo and others. The museum collects Mail Art collections, namely art which promotes the circulation of small-sized works (drawings, CDs, small sculptures, etc.) via worldwide postal channels, by artists who interacted in free or themed initiatives. Unique in Italy. Truly unmissable

San Marcello – The Telephone Museum

The Telephone Museum is truly one of a kind. It collects and documents the historic evolution of the telephone, from the earliest exemplars by Antonio Meucci (1808 – 1889), to more recent devices. Exhibits have been sourced from all over the world and include receivers, switchboards and devices which document the evolution of telephones over time, as well as different styles over the ages. The collector and restorer Giuseppe Renzini first began collecting telephones in 1956 while travelling around the world. In conjunction with the Municipality of San Marcello, he conceived and developed this original exhibition which contains unique pieces, …

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Trecastelli – The Nora de’ Nobili Museum

Located at Villino Romualdo in the centre of Ripe, a hamlet in the new Trecastelli municipality, the museum contains a splendid collection of works by the painter Nori de’ Nobili, a woman, artist and intellectual of outstanding talent who has unjustly fallen into oblivion on the contemporary artistic scene. The painter’s life and artistic development is described in approximately seventy works, spanning from her years in training, earliest works, right up to the evolution of the second phase of her life.  Eleonora de’ Nobili was born in Pesaro in 1902, her parents were Carlo de’ Nobili and Luisa Augusti. She …

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Castellone di Suasa – Civic Archaeological Museum

Located in the splendid setting of the 16th century Palazzo Della Rovere, it is part of a more articulated itinerary which also includes the Suasa Archaeological Park, The Territory Museum in S. Lorenzo in Campo, the excavation site and Antiquarium of Madonna del Piano in Corinaldo, enabling us to gain a better understanding of the history and culture of the Cesano valley. It illustrates the results of excavation campaigns carried out at the Suasa Archaeological Park from 1987 to present day, in the Suasa urban area, with particular focus on material from the large Coiedii domus residential area. Fascinating remains …

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Corinaldo – The Costume Hall

Located in the rooms next to the Town Hall. A small museum brimming with Medieval colours and perfumes. Ducal costumes are conserved here, faithfully recreated to dress the Duke and Duchess of Urbino on occasion of the historic re-enactment of the Dispute of the Polenta Well, held in Corinaldo on the third weekend of July for over thirty years now. Garments are made from scratch each year by the district which won last year’s Palio, are worn only once, on occasion of the parade, after which they are placed on display in this hall which faithfully documents the evolution of the …

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Corinaldo – C.Ridolfi Art Gallery

The collection is described as sacred as it contains numerous important works recovered from churches demolished during the 19th century. Here you’ll see a rich collection of paintings on display, as well as eighteen splendid carved and painted wooden reliquary busts, highly refined works by Sicilian carvers from the early 17th century. The art gallery also contains the Nori de’ Nobili Art Collection, accessible with your ticket at no additional cost.

Jesi – Diocesan Museum

The Jesi Diocesan Museum was founded in 1966, with the aim of collecting, conserving and promoting religious art testimonials and artefacts from the local territory. To date it contains a conspicuous cultural heritage which once belonged to churches of the Diocese, from the 4th to the 19th century. The museum is hosted in a few rooms of Palazzo Ripanti Nuovo, next to the Cathedral of San Settimio, and is a place where the beauty and the sacred converge, steeped in traditions which have been crystallised over the ages by the Christian communities of Vallesina and the one which inhabits the …

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